A Man approached me in a ……

Hi Folks – I was interviewed on the radio Friday!  The link it attached.  My friends say it’s pretty good – worth listening to! It’s got tips for success in it.

I wanted to share a story – a Man approached me in a coffee shop last week.

He recognized me!  And said,

“Dr. Hale, I want to talk to you – do you have a minute?”

sure” said I. “What about?”

He said, “You talk about overwhelm in business – and I am really overwhelmed!”

I said, “Let’s sit”

He said, “I own a business. I am working so hard to be a peak performer.  My employees have come to hate working for me.  They said I am impatient and snappy. I hardly ever see my wife and kids anymore. And the worst thing is that I just got put on blood pressure meds and as you can see, I’m overweight.”

He began to get emotional.

I said, “you are not alone.”

We talked for a while. I finally asked him, “What would change if you worked on being an OPTIMAL PERFORMER instead of a Peak Performer?”

The light went on in his eyes – he seemed to get it.

We talked about strategies and came up with a plan.  The first part of that plan was that he did an exercise that I share with the listeners at the end of that radio show I linked above.  Yes, It’s worth listening to!

Please comment below and contact me with any questions!


Blessings of success and peace to you!





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“ Lisa Hale’s approach to coaching is authentic, grounded & wonderfully heart-centered, without any New Age fluff. At the same time it is clear, focused, and strategic.

It’s no surprise to me that she is able to quickly accelerate the revenue growth for the high caliber entrepreneurs that are her clients.”

Lorna Li, CEO Changemaker
Digital, San Francisco